Research Projects ====================== A highlight of all open-source projects we work on. NVMeBenchmarks ---------------------------- A set of benchmarks to characterize the performance capabilities of ZNS devices. ` `_ Performance Characterization of Modern Storage Stacks: POSIX I/O, libaio, SPDK, and io_uring ---------------------------- A performance Characterization of Modern Storage Stacks: POSIX I/O, libaio, SPDK, and io_uring. ` `_ PMicroProfile ---------------------------- PMicroProfile: A Micro-Architecture Aware Persistent Memory Profiling Framework. `PMicroProfile: A Micro-Architecture Aware Persistent Memory Profiling Framework `_ Multi-Streamed F2FS (msF2FS) ---------------------------- An NVMe ZNS SSD optimized F2FS File System with concurrently writable hot/warm/cold data streams and application-guided data placement. ` `_ zns-tools ---------------------------- A set of tools for understanding/tracing ZNS devices. ` `_ TropoDB ---------------------------- Append-only LSM-tree KV-store made for ZNS devices. TropoDB uses our custom ZNS I/O engine, SimpleZNSDevice. ` `_ ` `_